They've Got Moxie

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Thank you to all my followers! I really appreciate your support, I can't wait to reach my first 100...just a smidgen more so I could announce my fab give away of some of my must-have FAVORITE products! Let's just say your makeup kit will thank you!

OoOo and I can't wait to show off my room renovation and tips and tricks to the DIY world of "remodeling" hahahahhh... wow I can't BELIEVE how long its taken me to gut my room, WHO KNEW I had so much stuff! I think a humongous blog sale is in order soon!

Friday, February 11, 2011

yay!! I've won a blog award!

First off I'd like to say thank you to the ever-so-stylish Amrilove for this award!

The way this award works is...

1. Thank & Link back to the person who gave you the Award. -check
2. Share 7 things about yourself. -see below
3. Award 15 people's blogs that you have discovered whilst blogging   
    -done, please check 'em out, even though I'm SURE you have : )
4. Contact these bloggers to let them know they have been given the award. -will do right after I post this

Seven things about myself (facts not in my post about some LITTLE KNOWN FACTS)
1. I'm a shorty, measuring up to 5 whole feet and 3 inches! Most people don't notice because I'm almost always in heels. hahaha What sucks the most is my nephew is almost a year old and everyone laughs when I carry him, he's half my height already!
2. I have a baby-ish face, especially without makeup. I'm always the one that gets IDed whether I'm buying lotto tickets, which you only have to be 18 for, or I'm simply trying to order a drink at the local watering hole!
3. I have an odd appetite, sometimes I can demolish what feels like a whole large pizza and still be walking back to the kitchen an hour later, other times I'm rather bird-like and am kewl with my fave Kashi bar in the morn and a PB sandwich for dinner.
4. I love scary movies. If a movie trailer involves an exorcism, haunting, abduction, or psycho killer on the loose, I'm there.
5. My favorite ice cream flavor is Mocha Almond Fudge, MmmmmMMm, the Baskin Robbins version is what its all about!
6. During my tenure at MAC Cosmetics, I had the pleasure of  being an assistant manager and later a manager. Trust me, there's wayyyyy more that goes into the job description then makeup and trying to keep the tears from rolling down your chin from your 7th hour in stilettos : )
7. I have the most caring, patient, understanding, and loving (I could go on for hours) boyfriend in the world!!! Umm...insanely charming, handsome, and smart as well!! --that's right, I said it hahah

Now for the fun part, awarding 15 (this was hard) of my fave, in no particular order:
                                       1. jomakemeblush
                                       2. dulcecandy
                                       3. cherylsbeautyblog
                                       4. giddyprincess
                                       5. expensive-pink
                                       6. ladydangermakeup
                                       7. prettyprettypetals
                                       8. thehollywoodheels
                                       9. makeupbytiffanyd
                                       10. abrilliantbrunette
                                       11. beautybroadcast
                                       12. makeupaddict-sabina
                                       13. makeupbyrenren
                                       14. makeupbygucci
                                       15. hardcoremakeupjunkie